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E.H. Hofrat, by E.H. Gribaldi/E St. Habsburg II/ Guter Planet  Black 172cm or 17.0 hands  Agent: Joe Pimentel  E.H. Hofrat was approved at Neumunster Germany in 2000 as the Res. Champion, breed director comments, Stunning balanced horse with a large frame and three above-average gaits, among which the canter receives special mention. The distinctive silhouette is further emphasized by supple, rhythmic movement through the back. Correct foundation and ideal in his temperament. his full brother S level stallion Hoftanzer was also approved Res. Champion the following year, from this impressive dam line also come some very successful descendants in the US such as Hannibal Pan Am gold medal winner at Grand Prix and Helena also ridden to the top level, and in Germany Hesperus and Hirtentraum. Hofrat’s sire E.H. Gribaldi needs very little introduction as he and his descendants are some of the most successful dressage horse on the planet, such names as Totilas, Painted Black just to name a couple and Gribaldi was listed #1 for a few years on the world leading dressage sires list.   Hofrat in 2017 was named Trakehner stallion of the year an honor given to a stallion only once in their lifetime and based on the success of their offspring, one of those the Neumunster champion Häwelmann and 7 other approved sons including the Hanoverian champion Hotline. E.H. Hofrat currently has one of the highest breeding indexes for producing dressage offspring with 144 and a 92% accuracy rate, he has 233 offspring success in sport and 53 award winning daughters.
17 hh
Pam Duffy
951-695-5369 Cell
Aqua Farms Sporthorses
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